Tuesday, April 26, 2011

taking a break

Taking a break from the photo challenge (i will catch up...yes) to bring you a blog from real life.

My 23 year old brother is going into surgery tomorrow. If you could lift up prayers on his behalf, I would greatly appreciate it.

It's not so much the surgery he needs prayer for; it's the recovery.

I don't mind sharing; others might mind reading.

And to them I say, "Oh well."

I live my life according to rules that no one else may have to live by. I have cancelled trips to be home with my family, and said no to things that take me away from where I'm needed. I COULD have more in my life, if I really wanted those things. I have no desire to get a degree to work a job that I'm going to hate. "Just get a degree. It doesn't matter what you get."

Yeah. It kinda does.


Living with my parents is a mentally deranged, and a very violent person. This person refuses help, has spent a night in jail, and constantly threatens and carries out those threats. Where this person needs to be: not jail. He needs a mental institution...the kind where they are strapped down and given medication or left alone in a padded room....yeah...THAT kind.

This person has hurt me, has hurt my little brother, and won't even think twice about hurting him again. In fact, in this person's mind, THEY are the victim.

This frightens me beyond life. What is this person going to do with my lil bro getting all the attention??? Is this person really going to do it this time? How is he going to manipulate people?

Seriously. WHY can't the police do SOMETHING about this kind of a situation????? He is NOT well, but in the eyes of the state, he IS well. He can't be arrested until they see some bruises or blood, but by that time, IT'S TOO LATE.

God, I know You're here....somewhere. Where do You hide while this is going on? I'd REALLY love to see You in this mess. Please, show Yourself.


Morgan said...

I'm so sorry Jodi. :( I hope your little brother's recovery goes smoothly and that this...menace...for lack of a better word...doesn't ruin things for him or the rest of you. I love you and you know you can always call or text me if you need to vent or just talk!

Margaret said...

aw, hugs Jodi. Mental illness sucks. So sorry you are going though this and hope your brother who had surgery is doing great!

Anonymous said...

hugs and prayers Jodi!!!