Monday, August 29, 2011

updates for all

Since I've been posting most of my medical updates about my mom on facebook, I've not seen the need to post much on here.

So, for those who aren't on FB, I will post an update here.

Forgive me any mess-ups. I had a rather large glass of white wine with dinner, and I believe it has affected me WAY more than I had intended.

My Mom had her PET scan and bone scan. Both came back CLEAN. Meaning that as far as *they* know, the cancer has not yet spread. But they want to act fast.

Mom had a second opinion with UVA; one she rather liked. In fact, she is moving forward with the dr at UVA rather than RMH. UVA is offering her the option of an internal bladder in place of an external, which is an option she would rather deal with.


All they have to do is remove her bladder. Then, as long as surgery goes as planned, and they do not find anymore cancer anywhere else, she will be CURED.


As in, no more cancer.

as in, no chemo, no radiation, she will have all her hair and not be sick, and she won't have to worry about cancer spreading to other parts of her body.


When they go in for the surgery (right now scheduled for Sept. 9), she will have her bladder and a few other non essential organs removed. So, pray that the cancer has not spread, and that the surgery goes well.

i kinda don't even want to bother with an update for my job b/c it seems all superfluous after hearing that my mom is going to be (speaking it out in faith) cured of cancer.

but, jobs going well. it's tough, and it'll take me several weeks/months to get the hang of it. but prayers for me during rush would be greatly appreciated. :o)


Friday, August 5, 2011

"cancer is just a word, not a sentence"

Last week, my mother notice some blood in her urine and decided to go to the doctor. He sent her to another specialist, who took some tests and did some scans and came back with the results that she had 2 tumors in her bladder. They performed a biopsy on Monday, and results came yesterday.

Cancer. Stage 4.

We had a feeling it was cancer. But we were hoping for stage 1....or 2. Not 4.

Apparently it is too far into her muscle, and they must now test to make sure it has not spread anywhere.

My mother is going to spend a week at the beach with my sister and her family, so when she gets back, she will have scans and more blood tests and surgery and chemo awaiting her.

Our prayer right now is that it has not spread anywhere else. If you are a praying person, please join us in prayer right now. We most certainly could use some good news.

It is easy for people who choose to do harmful things to themselves to say, "I'm not hurting anyone else; I'm only hurting myself. Let me choose for myself. It is my body; not yours."

Well, yes. It IS your body. But for those around you who love you, when you get news like this, it breaks us. My heart is BROKEN.

All it took was cigarette smoke and a weakened immune system. Flu. If she didn't have the flu or a cold last fall, we wouldn't be here.

Before you light up or pop the top or whatever, think. Is this something that can harm me to the point of death? Is this something that can take me away from those who love me? Is this something that can make me suffer in my last days?

Then think: is it worth it to those I love for me to quit?