Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 3: 30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 3: A picture of the cast of your favorite show:

This is the cast from Grey's Anatomy. This has become my favorite show over the last 6 months or so. When the show started, I actually watched some, and hated it. I thought it was a cheesy emo show, and I wouldn't watch it. But, when my sister-in-law was watching Matty for me when I started back at work, I'd come home and she would have it on. I caught parts of it. It looked interesting. I watched some older episodes, and quickly fell in love. The characters were so real. It made me think that I could become a surgeon. And then the LOVE story between Meredith and Derrick! ::SIGH:: I got to re-live my love story through them!

It's a GREAT show! You should watch it. If you don't love it, something may or may not be wrong with you.

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