Saturday, December 12, 2009

Daddy-to-do list

My wonderful husband!

He likes to surf the web, and read blogs, and keep up to date with some of his favorite pastors.

One of these pastors is Mark Driscoll. He's written several Christian Inspiration books, and I've heard a couple of his sermons on podcasts. He's a very interesting pastor with a very interesting technique. But, he does have a heart for God and for families.

This last week or so, Jacob brought home a Daddy-to-do list for Christmas. I thought it was super special, and wanted to share it with all of you.

You can find this on Mark Driscoll's blog. However, I don't know what the address is, so if you search Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church, you should be able to find it....

The bold marks are as they are in his blog, too, by the way. I just want to thank Jacob for bringing this home and showing me. I'm saddened to know that this isn't the way I was brought up, but excited to know that this is the way my children will grow up.

Daddy-to-do List:

"Tis the season for Dad to drop the holiday ball, stress out as the money is being spent for presents, and miss yet another providential opportunity to lovingly lead his family. So, this blog is intended to help dads not fall into the same old rut of holiday humdrum, sitting on the couch watching football and eating carbs, but rather intentionally plan out the upcoming holiday season. Our children grow quickly and if we miss the sacred moments God opens up for us to connect with and bless our families, everyone suffers and we set in motion generations of missed opportunity.

1. Dad needs a plan for the holidays to ensure that his family is loved and memories are made. Dad, what's your plan?
2. Dad needs to check the local guides for what's going on to make fun holiday plans for the family.
3. Dad needs to carve out time for sacred events and experiences to build family traditions that are fun and point to Jesus. Dad, is your calendar ready for December?
4. Dad needs to not let the stress of the holidays, including money, cause him to be grumpy with Mom or the kids. Dad, how's your joy?
5. Dad needs to give experiences and not just gifts. Dad what special memories can you make this holiday season?
6. Dad needs to manage the extended family and friends during the holidays. Dad, who or what do you need to say "no" to?
7. Dad needs to ensure his family is giving generously during the holidays. Dad who in need is your family going to adopt and bless?
8. Dad needs to schedule a big Christmas daddy date with his daughter. Dad, what's your big plan for the fancy daddy date?
9. Dad needs to schedule guy time with his son. Dad, what are you and your son going to do that is active, outdoors, and fun?
10. Dad needs to help Mom get the house decorated. Dad, are you really a big help to Mom with getting things ready?
11. Dad needs to ensure some holiday smells and sound. Dad, is Christmas music on the iPod, is the tree up, and can you smell the cookies and cider in your house?
12. Dad needs to snuggle up and watch some fun shows with the kids, especially the little ones. Dad, is the DVR set?
13. Dad needs to take the family on a drive to see Christmas lights while listening to music and sipping cider. Dad, is it mapped out?
14. Dad needs to help Mom get the kids' rooms decorated. Dad, do the little kids get lights or a small tree in their room?
15. Dad needs to read about Jesus and pray over his kids. Dad, how's your pastoral work going with each of your kids?
16. Dad needs to repent of being lazy, selfish, grumpy, or just dumping the holidays on Mom. Dad, are you a servant like Jesus to your family?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love, love, love this!! I can attest to this...when Dad jumps in and helps to bring holiday cheer, IT WORKS!! This is the first year (out of the 15 I have known D) that he helped to decorate, etc. without complaining. It didn't even feel like a chore! He lets us play Christmas music for dinner at night and we even eat by the low lights from the tree...It's so much more peaceful! We are saying NO to most everything and exchanging the chaos for a peaceful time at home with our boys. I pray that you will be able to learn this much younger than we did! Love you both!