Wednesday, August 18, 2010

christians make the worst customers...

I was talking with Jacob on my way home from my short little 3.5 hour shift at work. we chatted about little stuff and then jacob asked me, "How was your day at work?"

my response: "christians are the worst customers."

the worse part about knowing who is a "christian" is seeing what they are buying and then thinking, "wow. you could really use that Bible right about now."

Jacob said with all the stories i have regarding this subject, i could write a book.

but honestly, it'd be short. it really breaks my heart to see people, Bible in hand, ripping into a cashier, or a server at a restaurant. The ONE time i saw a "godly" man speak to a server at Applebees in an ungodly way, i no longer have any sort of interest in seeing this man speak or hear what he has to say.

i understand we are all human, and we are very impatient beings. but if you get impatient with someone who is trying to HELP you, APOLOGIZE. THAT, my friends, is what sets you apart.

PS. 4:3 "Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself."

Matthew 7:2 "do to others the way you would have them do to you."

I don't really post a whole lot about this because i feel like i'm judging. but, really. when i feel like crap after you walk away, are you really showing Jesus to those who may not see Him? or are you leaving someone with the bad taste about what christianity is really like?

think twice before you start putting someone down. and if you are just tired of being pressured about this membership card or that promotion or this or that...just remember: we are doing our jobs. if i don't ask you a bazillion questions, i could lose my job.

1 comment:

ladaisi said...

Having grown up in a small southern town, I completely know what you're talking about. Christians in the bible belt are the worst customers AND gossips! I worked as a cashier for awhile so I feel your pain.