Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby Update!

I suppose it's been a while since I posted any updates on baby and our progress....


As of last Friday, I was 34 weeks. The doctor says he's looking a little big and could come early, but at my next appointment we'll do another ultrasound to figure out his size and everything.

The nursery is coming along! My mom and I went to Charlottesville to get a crib from Babies R Us, but they didn't have any in stock that we liked, so we drove to Richmond. On our way to Babies R Us, we stopped at Target thinking they would have more than what we have here. Sure enough, there was a Graco crib that I hadn't seen at the Target in Harrisonburg. We bought it and came home! Later we went to the Target in town to get the mattress, and sure enough, there was the crib!

Jacob and his mom worked hard on cleaning out the nursery and making room for the crib, and it looks amazing! There was so much junk in there that I wasn't sure what it was going to look like, but it looks great!

I'm still working, and will probably work right up until he comes. I'm debating on taking a vacation week the week of my due date, if he hasn't come by then, just to give me some extra time, but I'm not going to be getting paid maternity leave anymore. It's disappointing, because of all the work I did to try to make sure I got it, but it happens, and there's nothing I can do about it now. And I'm not going to wear myself out trying to get my hours up to where they need to be to get maternity pay. I can barely do all the hours I'm doing now, and the housework, so, working 40 hours the next several weeks is out of the question.

At the appointment today, the doctor came in and said everything looks fine!


Margaret said...

yeah for good updates! I didn't get paid leave with Mary either-you have to be full time for a year before they'll let you get paid leave..ugh. I'm so excited for you-the nursery pics look great!

Jodi said...

yeah...it sucks b/c we thought we were. i've been there for almost 7 years! but, i fell below full time hours...so. oh well.